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The Terminators: drone strikes prompt MoD to ponder ethics of killer robots

Analysis of unmanned aircraft in combat urges Britain to establish policy on 'acceptable machine behaviour'

Category: Weapons, Robotics, Transport


Drugs lose effectiveness in space

Astronauts on long space missions may not be able to take paracetamol to treat a headache or antibiotics to fight infection, a study has found.


Neutrons could test Newton's gravity and string theory

A pioneering technique using subatomic particles known as neutrons could give microscopic hints of extra dimensions or even dark matter, researchers say.

Category: Big Science


Shale gas 'worse than coal' for climate

The new kid on the energy block, shale gas, may be worse in climate change terms than coal, a study concludes.


Is it a new particle, or just a fluke?

Discovery of 'new source of energy'?

Displaying results 486 to 490 out of 2977